About the Author of GEMS

Elaine Santo

Elaine and Frank Santo

A Personal Note From Elaine Santo

Welcome to G.E.M.S. a unique and extraordinary approach to teaching etiquette and godliness. The purpose of the program is to motivate and inspire young ladies to be glorifying to God in every area of their lives. In addition to instructing young ladies to look their best, we will focus more on their inner beauty that reflects God’s love, and on all facets of their personal development: physical, social, emotional and spiritual.

Upon request from a few parents in my church, I, along with God’s help, established an etiquette course that infuses the Word of God and encourages characteristics which are pleasing to God.

In this appearance-driven society, I felt young ladies had to face so many obstacles and opinions as to how they should look and act. I was so concerned with the bombardment of ads and commercials which try to persuade  young ladies to be what is considered appropriate or popular. The pressures our children face are surely intense and recurrent. Additionally, we are now confronted with gender confusion and demands to accept the lies perpetrated against these young minds.

Having had the sincere honor of teaching 7th & 8th grades for 21 years, I believe God has truly given me insight and understanding as to how these wonderful young people operate. Often, young ladies would find their way into my classroom before, after and sometimes during school just to get some encouragement and a hug. So you see, I love this age-group and truly understand the conflicts they encounter and the dynamics of their world. Furthermore, I found middle school to be one of the most difficult times of my own life; thus, the reason for my educational training and this program. Middle school-aged girls are typically impressionable and very vulnerable. I believe G.E.M.S. is the comprehensive approach to helping young ladies be exactly who they were created to be- Girls Empowered to serve their God with confidence and assurance. They are God’s GEMS, Girls Empowered for the Master’s Service! 

Read Elaine's Story: 

From Glamour to Glory                                                                                    

CLICK LINK Below for the BOOK on Amazon

An Excerpt: From Glamour to Glory


Elaine Campanelli Santo



“…Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart” I Samuel 16:7(NIV)

         Prior to my total commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, I would say that my pursuit of happiness and success was driven by my desire for monetary gain and notoriety. Unfortunately, my young life was steeped in misfortune and despair, and I wanted a way out. I was the third of four daughters being raised by a single, Italian immigrant, mother who had no education or money. We were extremely poor and destitute with no support from a father. Fortunately, my mother loved the Lord and trusted Him in every situation. She raised us to believe Him for great things and to have faith in His Word.

As a result, I set my ideals high and reached for the impossible. You see, the Miss America Pageant was, and still is known for hosting young women with notable status. Considering my underprivileged conditions, my chances of success from a secular viewpoint were quite inadequate. I didn’t have a father or the means, but from a spiritual standpoint, I had a loving, heavenly father, who was watching over me. He heard my prayers and was attentive to my cries.


The Miracle

Against all odds and many pitfalls, I relentlessly pressed forward toward the prize, and finally, in a sold-out Rehoboth Beach, Convention Center, I won that prize: Miss Delaware 1975.

Consequently, in preparation for the Miss America Pageant I encountered one unfortunate event after another. Through many mishaps, injury and adversities, I continued to encounter more obstacles which were seemingly trying to prevent me from my goal. Needless to say, after a week of illness and the Miss America Pageant now commencing in Atlantic City, the pageant officials prepared my first runner-up to take my place. Think of it, all for which I had worked was about to be snatched from me. But God!

As I lay helpless in bed in my chaperone’s home, I heard the gentle voice of the Lord. The most amazing thing about this encounter was the over-whelming peace and love that filled my room. It was not the preconceived, vengeful God who was ready to unleash his vehement wrath on me. It was my father, God, with His gentle and loving Spirit, who was difficult to resist. It was then; He presented His life-changing question, “Elaine, now will you put me first?” Without hesitation and with much affection, I replied, “Yes, Lord, even if it means not going to the Miss America Pageant!” Only the power of a loving God could possibly initiate that response from me with those words. This pursuit was not only my dream but the answer to all of my needs…so I thought. Immediately after accepting God’s request, I was miraculously healed! God healed me, and I rose up and began to prepare to go to Atlantic City. Most remarkably, He could have waited until after the pageant to heal me to really see if I meant what I said; however, He was not trying to steal my dream. He just wanted my commitment. What a truly remarkable Lord! Consequently, I was weak from losing weight, but I made it to the 1976 Miss America Pageant and managed to win a talent award. Glory to God!

Upon rededicating my life and talents to the Lord in 1976, I can say that my life’s pursuit is now God-driven. “Some say that much gain is godliness, but I maintain that Godliness with contentment is great gain” I Tim 6:5-6 (NIV). My focus and purpose for living is to fulfill God’s plan for my life and to bring glory to my God. Glamour and fame left me empty and searching. Now, the experiences that I encounter daily are fresh and powerful, enabling me to soar on the heights of His glory.

My God’s grace is new every morning. I continue to develop and grow spiritually, which impacts every area of my life. I am truly blessed with a Godly husband since 1977, a Master’s Degree in Education Administration, a teaching career, two beautiful children and seven very gorgeous grandchildren. My life is so full and blessed. I am also truly humbled and honored to serve Him in many capacities, including serving as a deacon in our church, Hammonton Assembly of God, Hammonton, New Jersey, and the New Jersey State Representative for Aglow International Ministries.

As a result of this glorious existence, I have compiled my life’s experiences hoping to inspire women and young girls to live a life that is truly blessed and honoring to God.

In-Christ’s Service,

Elaine Santo